NATURE’S DIET BOOK (Audio Download)

NATURE’S DIET BOOK (Audio Download)

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What if you had a simple solution to the health conditions facing Americans today?


With over twenty years clinical experience and witnessing thousands of chronically ill patients regain their health, Dr. Iverson has detailed the precise clinical programs he uses with his own patients to bring back their wellness.


Nature’s Diet is a step-by-step guide based on the principles of how Nature’s wild animals and our ancestors have eaten and lived for thousands of years.  Dr. Iverson teaches you how to determine your specific metabolism and apply it to these natural principles.  The result is an individual-based diet plan designed just for you and your unique genetic chemistry. 


Will I thrive better as a meatarian, vegetarian or somewhere in-between?  Am I better with raw foods or cooked foods?  Do I need 3 solid meals a day or am I better with intermittent fasting and skipping meals?  What about hidden food allergies?  Learn which foods are most beneficial for your specific body’s needs and how to prepare them for maximum nutritional value.  


But that is not all, Nature’s Diet also goes into the destructive results of toxic household chemicals and the benefits of cleansing and detoxifying from them with vegetable juicing and herbal medicines.  You will also learn which supplements are the most healthful and why your current multi-vitamin is more of a drug than a nutrient. 


There is a valuable clinical section discussing which patients Dr. Iverson’s cautions and which he advises to take natural bio-identical hormones.  This is accompanied with valuable charts indicating the optimal blood lab values Dr. Iverson uses with his own patients so you can compare your personal blood work.  Chapter 20 even discusses how you can utilize these optimal lab values to achieve more gratifying sex!


If you are ready to live free of poor health, Nature's Diet gives a simple plan with powerful results.  The answers you’ve been seeking to heal your body and stay healthy have always been available to you.  Nature holds the keys to your healing, and this book Nature’s Diet unlocks the answers.


NOTE:  Please download our helpful Companion Guide for FREE.  Click Here.