Is That Santa's Beard?? No! It's....

Is that Santa's Beard? No it's Usnea! Old Man's Beard! 
It hangs from the trees here in the great northwest but DID YOU KNOW it is also a POWERFUL IMMUNE herb! 
Studies show it is effective against antibiotic resistant Staphyloccocus and Enteroccocus bacteria when antibiotics failed to work!

Chinese medicine has used it or hundreds of years to treat tuberculosis and Native American used it as compress for open wound to prevent infection.

To my patients I recommend for infections of mucus membranes: 
respiratory infections, cough, sinusitis, cold and flu 
and even chronic urinary and vaginal infections and boosting immune responses .

Take it as a tincture... or just chew some RIGHT OFF THE TREE this winter holiday!

50 Cleansing herbs coming out this THURSDAY!! 
learn about the HERBS found ALL AROUND US!

Nat Prod Commun. 2016 Apr;11(4):493-6.
Activity of the Lichen Usnea steineri and its Major Metabolites against Gram-positive, Multidrug-resistant Bacteria.

photo usnea by Bernd Haynold